Ptosis: Signs, Causes, and Treatments

112 views 9:02 am 0 Comments March 16, 2020

Many people suffer from drooping eyelids in one or both eyes. Sometimes this droop is not noticeable, but some may have too much drooping which is noticeable. This condition can occur at any age and can affect an adult or a child. However, ptosis eyelid occurs mostly due to aging. 

Ptosis makes it difficult for people to see as the eyelids droop over their eyes. However, this condition can be corrected or improved with proper treatment. To know whether you have ptosis or not, you need to know your signs or symptoms and correct treatment for the condition.

What are the Signs of Ptosis?

The most obvious and noticeable sign of the condition is a drooping eyelid. People affected with the condition find it difficult to see as the eyelid blocks the vision partially or completely. Affected people need to tilt their head back or raise their brows to get a clear vision. 

If you suspect that you have ptosis, you can compare your eyes with a picture that you would have taken some years back. The comparison of your eyelid can help you diagnose the condition. If you suspect the condition has occurred and you want it to be corrected, then visit an eye doctor. 

If you notice this condition in your child, then make sure that you consult your eye doctor immediately. Ignoring the signs of ptosis in children can lead to lifetime loss in vision.

What can Cause Ptosis?

There can be many causes that can lead to ptosis. Many people are born with the condition, while others may get it due to aging. Ptosis could also occur due to an injury or aftereffect of cataract surgery. Other reasons are problems with the levator muscles. 

These muscles help in keeping the eyelids lifted and is if there is any problem with the muscles, you will face difficulties. Some people may also have this condition due to an eye tumour or diabetes or any kind of neurological disorder. Make sure that you are consulting your eye doctor for the condition.

What is the Treatment for Ptosis?

The best treatment for ptosis eyelid (หนังตาตก, which is a term in Thai) is a surgery. The surgery is done to tighten the levator muscles to help in lifting the eyelids normally and improving your vision. If your condition is severe, then your surgeon will put an eyelid under your eyebrow. This will help the forehead muscles to substitute for the loss of levator muscles and lifting the eyelid.